I need to make revisions

This is what needs to be revised in the paper.

Your Chapter One does not meet the minimum word count necessary for this assignment. Remember when counting your words, do not include the words on your Title Page, Table of Contents or Reference Page. When conducting your research, you need to have only one dependent and independent variable. When writing your research questions, only include a maximum of three research related questions. Research questions # 2-6 would need to be rewritten. Currently, they can all be answered with a simple “Yes / No” response. Making them more open-ended will allow you to collect better data results. 

I will post the paper for only the person helping to keep it confidential thank you

The paper for revision and the instructions, This is only chapter one but that is the whole set of instructions. I am asking the revision for only the chapter one with the one poted in the homework forum.

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