Anthropology short paper | Social Science homework help
Your assignment this semester is to perform an analysis of one of the groups we have
studied from the viewpoint of one or more of the theorist we have introduced this
session. The material for your analysis is to be derived from the textbook, films,
lectures, and independent research.
First, I want a brief, approximately half-page synopsis of the society, institution, culture,
belief system, behavior on which you are going to focus. Next, I want you to analyze
one piece of the political, social , economic, and cultural puzzle that is a society from
one or two of the theoretical viewpoints discussed in the course. Any of the groups that
we have studied is acceptable as a topic. Your analysis must contain data from the
lectures, films, text, and from your own independent research. In this assignment,
simply agreeing with the text and lectures interpretations is insufficient. You will
need to expand your argument beyond the scope of the material presented in the
course. Your analysis is expected to be unique. You will not receive a low grade if I
disagree with you.