Reflection summary | Education homework help

Reflect back to the Who am I Meant to Be Survey and discussion post , completed on Monday. Students will identify ways that your current self would be a good fit for your career choice. Do this by writing a paragraph for each listed below:

  1. Personal Characteristics
  2. Interests and Preferences
  3. Talents and Abilities
  4. Skills and Strengths
  5. All essays must also contain an introduction paragraph, where you introduce your career choice, and a conclusion paragraph determining whether your career choice is still a good fit after a this personal assessment.
  6. Use the Reflection Summary Template as a guide while formatting your summary. 

Below are your scores. Find the personality type with the highest score and scroll down to read the associated description.

Striving to Help: 11

Striving to be Recognized: 16

Striving to be Creative: 8

Striving to be Spontaneous: 10

Striving to be Knowledgeable: 13

Striving to be Secure: 16

Striving to be in Control: 12


Reflection Summary RubricReflection Summary RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormattingPlease use the MLA style sample/template as your guide for the format your paper should look and feel during submission.20.0 ptsFull Marks0.0 ptsNo Marks20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody of Your LetterThere should be a brief 30-500 word introduction, body and closing report to your results that will help your instructor understand your personality test results clearly.40.0 ptsFull Marks0.0 ptsNo Marks40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonality Test ResultsA sceenshot of both your personality test and your highest score description should be included in your report as demonstrated by the SAMPLE provided to justify the 300-500 words in the body of your report.
Please size images appropriately so they are visible but are not too large for the page.40.0 ptsFull Marks0.0 ptsNo Marks40.0 pts

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