The importance of the literary context.

Topic: In Chapter 6 of the Duvall & Hays text, the authors discuss the importance of the literary context. Throughout the chapter, they once again identify the key aspects we should consider related to the literary context when we engage the Bible. Pulling specifically from the Duvall & Hays text and synthesizing into your own words, write a 250–300-word response to the 3 prompts below. Once again it may be helpful to you to bring in some of your personal experiences with these issues in light of what we have learned from our reading.

Answer the 3 prompts in 3 separate paragraphs, using about 100 words each.

  1. What happens if you carefully consider the surrounding context of a passage, but ignore its literary genre?
  2. Besides those examples cited in this chapter, what are some instances of interpreting a biblical passage apart from its immediate context? That is, give and explain an example of how ignoring the immediate can lead to an erroneous understanding or application of the text? Cite the specific passage you are discussing in your post. (ex. Rom. 6–16).
  3. When is topical preaching contextually valid? When does it disregard and violate context?
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