Note: keep in mind that the interview report is over the answers the



Pick a grandparent or other relative or individual over the age of 60 and ask them if they would consent to an interview. When you sit down for this interview, ask the person the following questions:


  • What is your earliest historical memory?
  • What event has had the greatest impact on your life?
  • What event occurring during your lifetime has had the greatest impact on history?



 Keep notes throughout the interview.  Use these notes to type up a 2 full-page overview of the answers the interviewee gave to the questions you posed (and any other information your interviewee may have added).  Turn in this overview along with your interview notes. Please note—standard guidelines do apply to these overviews.  They must be two full pages in length (12 point, Times New Roman font) and double-spaced.  You must also write them as if they are formal essays—write up the overviews as a report.  These papers must be free of grammatical errors, like any other essay.



  • If someone were to look at this interview one hundred and fifty years from now, what might this interview tell them about the 20th century?  How would you look at this interview and evaluate it for information about society, economics, or politics?  What are the advantages in considering personal interviews for historians studying these topics, and what are the disadvantages?



In other words, place what your interviewee has said in an historical context.  You may rely on outside information for this section—your textbook, for example.  Please remember—if you use your textbook or other sources for information gathering, you MUST CITE.  Proper citation for either quotations OR paraphrasing (putting information that you get from a source in your own words) includes the author’s last name and the page number in parentheses after the information you get from the source.


Your grade on this assignment will be based on how well you follow instructions, and provide answers to the questions posed.  Spelling and grammar will also be a consideration

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