Journal #5: gender (in)equality | Social Science homework help

A minimum of 550 words and a maximum of 750 words

  • Complete. Your journal entry must sufficiently address the prompt and/or the assignment requirements. It should present a sufficiently developed argument using the required resources.
  • Clear. You should present an argument that logically progresses from one point to the next. Your claims should be well supported with good/strong evidence from proper sources.
  • Correct. Your journal entry should be accurate. It should be free of errors, whether in reasoning, grammar, typography, etc.

This week’s two-part PROMPT on gender (in)equality is:

Part 1: This week we have covered material on gender inequalities. Now, you’ll explore and reflect on data on different variables associated with women, poverty, and (un)equal pay: gender, state, and race/ethnicity. To do this, visit the following webpages:  Click directly on the map to view data on different states. Collect data on women and poverty in California as compared with one other state of your choice.  Click directly on the map to view data on different states. Simultaneously, use the dropdown menu to view data on different racial/ethnic groups. Collect data on how women of different racial groups are paid in California as compared with the same other state of your choice that you used for the other webpage above.

In your journal, very briefly summarize the information that you collect. Next, and more importantly, reflect on that information. What is notable about these data? How do these data link up together? How do these data link up with other data and/or materials that you have been processing in 157SL? Focus on interpreting these data and what they signify.  

Part 2: Choose one of the following sources and examine the proposed steps/actions to close the gender wage gap:

the “Path Forward” section of this AAUW report     website link is

From the one source (above) that you selected, choose one of their suggested steps/actions that resonates with you, and that you personally feel you could get behind. In your journal, state your chosen action and why it is appealing to you. Reflect on how you could potentially support and/or work towards achieving this step/action.

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