History choice of answering 4 different questions 250-300 words #5

Your initial answer to the question should be between 250 – 300 words long. Include references and citations where necessary to ensure proper credit and documentation of your sources. You are welcome to include references in addition to the course textbook, just ensure that you use proper documentation. Please let me know if you have any questions / concerns regarding Chicago Style format.

Each of your comments to four of your classmates must be at least 125 words long and this does not include any citations / references. This minimum requirement helps to encourage students to go beyond a standard, “I liked your post” and push them to select particular points / examples and discuss them further. It is also appropriate for students to provide their reflections, opinions, additional examples and information, and even rhetorical or specific questions. Specific examples and references should include citations and footnotes.Either during the week of the forum, or in the following week between Monday and Friday, I will ask you a follow-up question that relates to either your initial posting or to a posting you made to another student. The follow-up question post has the same minimum requirements as the initial post. The follow-up question increases your critical thinking skills. The citation policy for the follow-up posting is the same as the initial posting–at least 250 words long plus citations.


Choose ONE

1. Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union?

4. In what ways were Truman’s and Eisenhower’s foreign policies similar? How did they differ?

5. What was the relationship between consumer culture and the emphasis on family life in the postwar era?

7. What is the significance of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision?

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