Content review week 3 3303

Content Review   Directions: •Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length. •Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document. •Copy and paste each question into the document, so your Instructor can see which questions you are answering.  By Day 7 1.Based on the information in the article by Terri Apter, summarize how, when, and why self-doubt typically develops in young people. Then describe one “wrong” way to build self-esteem and one “right” way, explaining why for each. 2.In the “The Strive of It” and “Joy in School” Kathleen Cushman and Steven Wolk each discuss how to motivate students by allowing them to choose their own pursuits. How do the strategies presented in these articles relate to the ideas of the Circle of Courage, as described by Martin Brokenleg and Tim McDonald? Explain at least two specific ways that ideas presented in one or both of these articles fulfill some or all of the values of the Circle of Courage. 3.Describe at least three ways that the emotional climate of a group or classroom setting can affect a child’s or adolescent’s motivation, explaining why and including a specific example for each.  Submit this assignment.

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