2 book essays!!! ( two student in same class two each one ) (eric

Please don’t waste my time 


you must have the book : Eric Foner—Give Me Liberty! An American History (Vol. 2).  because you need quotes and page citations from the book 


 (book essays)


 two essays for two different student take the same history class.


Instructions:  For this assignment, I want you to learn about some policies and trends in recent American history that we won’t get to cover in lecture. 

At the beginning of each chapter of Eric Foner’s, Give Me Liberty, Vol. 2), there are a series of Focus Questions I want you to read the following chapters and answer the following focus questions:


Ch. 25, The Sixties (1960-1968)


1.        What were the purposes and strategies of Johnson’s Great Society programs?

2.       What were the sources and significance of the rights revolution of the late 1960s?

3.       In what ways was 1968 a climactic year for the Sixties?


Ch. 26, The Triumph of Conservatism (1969-1988)


1.        How did Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affect popular trust in government?

2.       What were the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s?

3.       How did the Reagan presidency affect Americans both at home and abroad?


Ch.27, Globalization and its Discontents (1989-2000)


1.        How did Bush and Clinton transform America’s world role?

2.       What forces drove the economic resurgence of the 1990s?

3.       What cultural conflicts emerged in the 1990s?



More Instructions


·         Use question-answer format (that’s nine short essays).

·         Use quotes and page citations for each chapter (in parentheses at the end of the sentence).

·         Your essay must be a 5-page minimum (of actual essay, about 24 lines per page)


·         There’s no maximum length à write lots!




Your answers must come from the Foner book, don’t use outside sources

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