Political geography paper (about eating america) 4 pages

The papers are designed to provide you a chance to do more in-depth research and develop a greater understanding of a specific region based on the readings and class discussions. By the end of the class session, your shorter papers will be combined into a larger, and more developed paper on your specific region.
So what do I need to do for these papers?
Get a piece of paper, or a note pad or even a Post-it ® pad.  If you use a larger piece of paper, fold it in to quarters, or fourths.  That way you can use the four parts (eight if you use the back) to separate and organize your thoughts.
Now imagine yourself in your region, and imagine you are at an open space where there are many people whom you can observe, talk too, and interact with as well.
Now, consider these questions to formulate your outline and your third paper (Physical Environment):

What are the important physical characteristics of your region and what is the impact on the region because of this?
How has the physical environment affected the people of the region?  What did they do that changed the physical characteristics of the region and what was the impact of these changes?
Make a final statement including your opinion and conclusions 
 *use the info from the pictures attached in this post which were taken from the textbook.

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