Order 832736: civil society | Political Science homework help


Type of paper Critical Thinking 
Subject Political Science 
Number of pages 5 
Format of citation MLA 
Number of cited resources  4  
Type of service  Writing  

select one  prompt from the list below to address in a 4 – 6 double spaced paper:   1. What is the relationship between the ″two faces of culture″,  identified by David Laitin? How are both classified and how does one  ″face″ compensate for the other? Which one do you think is more critical  to our understanding of political culture, or do you think both are  equally inter-dependent? In addressing this question, make sure you  provide at least one example to explain your rationales. They may be  taken from class, or they can be something you′re familiar with. The  goal here is to demonstrate your critical thinking skills regarding  these two facets.   2. Taken directly from one of the discussion questions, but with the  ability to expand a lot more utilizing Putnam, Sabetti, and Berman: Do  you feel that democratic potential today is largely conditioned by the  past? In other words, is the amount of democratic potential in a  country, a region, or a region of a country, basically predetermined by a  series of events in the distant past that present individuals basically  have no control over? And if this is so, is there any hope that certain  regions of the world can “escape” their past and actually develop into  something better?  3. Does culture shape institutions, or do institutions shape culture?  You can use elements from either our discussion of theories of social  capital, or begin your foray into theories of social character.

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