Order # 13466 | Political Science homework help

Title: Explain the ability of small states to survive wars with major powers (You must cite Text Book)
Paper type Essay
Paper format APA
Course level Undergraduate
Subject Area Political Science
# pages 6   ( or 1800 words Minimum)
Spacing Double Spacing
# sources 6
Paper Details

Cite only from the textbook (Europe’s Last Summer Who Started the Great War in 1914 – David Fromkin).

Cite lecture and class readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise):
• Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper,
• Include in-text citations throughout the paper,4
• You may use any standard citation style, (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.),
• Please do not use outside sources,
• Extensive amount of footnotes is not encouraged,5
• Please do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response. Please do not simply
paraphrase the lecture notes or the book.
• Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

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