Is fascism on the rise in the us
Is Fascism on the rise in the Unites States of American & Europe.
Must have table of contents/ MLA Format
· Final Exam/Policy Brief (PB) 35%
The Final Exam consists of the preparation of an Ideological Policy Brief (PB) on an issue related to the course. The Instructor will make recommendations but students are advised to link their research to an issue listed on page 9, 10 & 11 under the caption Lectures/interactive discussions. Build on the Mid-Term Research Paper. Students are required to submit a minimum of ten (10) pages excluding cover page, table of contents and references/bibliography. Books and Scholarly Publications must be used. Use the library resources. Each student must contact a non-profit organization and conduct an interview. A combination of APA formatting and a Guide prepared by Instructor Tennassee should be used. Attendance is Compulsory. Failing to attend the Final Exam, students will be given a sit-down supervised exam without any recourse to computers, IPADS or phones. On the day of the Final Exam, students will make a three (3) minutes presentation. It is advisable that you use your SUMMARY for presentations
-Issue/ Question
-Background Info
-Arguments for
-Arguments against
-Policy recommendation
-Personal Opinion