Envionment and technology (answer only 3 questions- 300 words each)

1) Two problems of the atmosphere have become major international issues—global warming and depletion of the ozone layer. Explain the causes of these issues and then compare and contrast the international management of them. What has led to success or failure in managing these issues? What might be done to overcome the failures? In your answer, consider the logic of the “tragedy of the commons.”
2)Few effective international agreements have been reached to solve the problem of global warming. Given the severe difficulties associated with managing this problem, what creative international solutions can you think of? What would be the strengths and weaknesses of your solutions in the short term and in the long term?
3)Explain the relationship between the environment and international security. What role does the environment play in this equation? What evidence do we have that there is any relationship at all? Is it significant enough to warrant the attention of IR scholars and practitioners? Why, or why not?
4)What does cultural imperialism mean? Is it real? Who should be concerned about its consequences? What, if anything, should be done about it? If nothing should be done about it, why not? Support your answer with empirical and logical evidence
5)According to the text, “new international political possibilities arise from technological developments”. What exactly does this mean? What are the implications of advancing technology—pros and cons? What are the costs and benefits for states and citizens of these developments?

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