Db3 al | Political Science homework help

Read Chapter 2.  Post a persuasive statement ( 400 words) regarding one of the issues listed below.  Respond to at least two other posts (at least 150 words each) on any of the following topics. 

1) Did the Supreme Court get INS. v. Chada right?  You may use any appropriate source, including, but not limited to:  https://www.oyez.org/cases/1981/80-1832

2) Research Morrison v. Olson, 487 U.S. 654 (1988).  Although Justice Scalia was on the loosing side of this case (a 7-1 vote), his dissent is widely known.  Critique Justice Scalia’s position.  Did he get it right?  Why or why not?  Resources regarding this case can be found at the link below (written and audio).  You can also use any other appropriate resource. : https://www.oyez.org/cases/1987/87-1279

3) How does a shift in the political environment affect administrative agencies?  Is this a good thing? Why or why not?

4) Distinguish the legislative veto from the process provided in the Congressional Review Act (CRA).  Should a reviewing court find the CRA unconstitutional using an analysis similar to that articulated in Chada case?    Why or why not?  

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