current event | Political Science homework help

students will turn in a current event with a policy synopsis attached. Students should look for domestic and international events that affect American Government. Students should use reputable sources including but not limited to:  The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, The BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News,The Financial Times, The Independent UK, The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Times, The Washington Post, or others. Students should try to avoid MSNBC, Fox News, or CNN as these websites are geared towards viewership and not investigative journalism. Other sites like Mashable, OffTheGridNews, Washington Times, Breitbart, etc should be used with extreme vetting and caution. Students will write a policy briefing on the current event.
Current Event 1
1. Include the link in the current event 
2. The synopsis should be in three sections (maybe even just three paragraphs if you’re concise)
a. Abstract (two sentences: one goes over the summary, and one covers your analysis.)
b. Summary (summarize the article: include the authors, title of piece, major points and quotes)
c. Analysis (your own thoughts: use one tool of analysis)

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