Creating a literature review -empirical political inquiry class
Your literature review should be completed in 12pt Times New Roman on a standard page with 1” margins. You should use double-spacing, and you should not include a header or heading or any other information on the top or bottom of the page. Your review should be no less than two pages, and should be no more than three pages. Your review must be submitted through the appropriate link on Canvas by the deadline stated there, and must be uploaded in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Failure to adhere to these standards may result in a decrease in points awarded, or may result in a zero.
Please indicate in the comments of the submission whether you would be comfortable with me using your submission as an example for future students. Any identifying information would be removed before your submission would be shown to future students.
In this assignment you should synthesize the information you have learned in the ten articles you reviewed in your annotated bibliography. You are not responsible for finding any additional articles (unless you used articles that were inappropriate in previous submissions).
The purpose of this assignment is to accomplish the following:
identify and explain all pertinent literature that speaks to your topic (specifically about your dependent variable and/or causal mechanism)
explain the breadth of extant literature about your topic
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the extant literature you identify
explain the changes in knowledge that have brought the literature to its current state
identify the hole, or gap, in the literature that your project will fill
Resources for writing your literature review:
See Babbie Chapter 17, especially 17-6, Chapter 2-5a, and Chapter 4-10a
Some Rubric (1)Some Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifies LiteratureThe review identifies and explains important relevant literature from the topic.30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains KnowledgeThe review explains the state of knowledge on the topic (as understood from the articles you’ve selected).30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifies Strengths and WeaknessesThe review identifies the strengths and weaknesses of literature reviewed.30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentifies GapThe review identifies a gap in the literature that is ripe for investigation.30.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalThe submission is written professionally (using professional voice), and is free of spelling, mechanical, grammatical errors.15.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormattingThe formatting in the assignment conforms with requirements.15.0 ptsTotal Points: 150.0