Political parties essay! must be original, good english mandatory! no

Resources: Chapters 8 and 10 of the text, We the People.
Political participation and voting are important features of our democracy. 
Prepare a 750- 1,050-word essay discussing the political system of the United States.  Address the following questions:

Examine voting trends over time in the United States. Which groups vote? Which groups don’t vote? What could be done to improve voter turnout?  Be sure to discuss multiple groups by age, ethnicity, gender, religion, income, and education.
Summarize the functions of campaigns in the United States and what the process is to electing governmental officials in the United States both at the state and federal levels.
Explain how campaigns influence the public and how are they used to mobilize people. Use key terms and concepts from this week’s readings to discuss the key components of campaigning and how they influence voters during elections.
What kinds of reforms could be made to make elections more free and fair?

Include a Reference page with at least two sources in addition to your textbook.
Submit your summary in APA format by clicking on the assignment in Canvas and uploading your document.

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