Political ideologies assignment | Political Science homework help
Dear expert
If you want to do this assignment you will have to read, understand, and follow all the instructions in details. You will have to work hard and deliver an A++ quality work,100% free plagiarism and no grammatical errors or typos. Please find the grading rubric attached.
In this paper you will have to understand the ideology you will use very well this is where your creativity can shine! You should write a 550 – word essay describing how an ideology is reflected in a movie, song, or work of art of your choosing.
The format and font are flexible. I will grade your essay on the following:
1. clear writing and thinking, including a sharp focus on the essential parts of the artwork, song, etc.;
2. persuasive explanations and supporting evidence for how the artwork, song, etc. reflects an ideology studied in class;
3. effective organization of the essay, including paragraph structure and thesis statement;
4. careful proofreading.