Module 1 | Political Science homework help

1-2 Page APA. Use these references along with resources from your own research to help answer the questions that follow.
Lamb, G. (2005, September 27). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor, 97(213), 11-13. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.Link to articlePielke Jr., R. (2006, Spring2006). When Scientists Politicize Science. Regulation, 29(1), 28-34. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from Business Source Complete database.Link to article
Do you feel that scientists should be cut out of the policy making process, particularly on environmental issues, when their research is proven and widely accepted and is being ignored and disputed? Politicians ultimately make the decisions, but shouldn’t the scientists have a voice?

Do you feel that lobbyists and special interest groups exert too great of an influence and act as an impediment to finding solutions to, and providing the funding for, research for the environmental problems we face?

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