I need 2 questions answered. 300 words each

 1. What is cultural globalization and what are some important themes of it? Please, discuss also some positive and negative sides of cultural globalization.
2. What are the main arguments of Samuel P. Huntington in the Clash of Civilizations? Please, discuss in the context of cultural globalization.

The questions MUST be answered from the book: Steger, Manfred B. 2013, 3rd ed. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press. ISBN-9781099662661. and from the huntington article (see attached article) 

While I encourage you to bring in knowledge from other classes, outside readings and personal experiences, you are required to use the class textbook(s) as primary source(s) of information for your responses/replies.
Your responses should be substantive and demonstrate critical thinking about the assigned subject matter.
You are not allowed to use quotations. Use paraphrasing instead and make sure to provide in-text citations, which should include the last name of the author(s), year of publication, and page number(s).
You are required to provide in-text citations and references in the APA writing format in all discussions.

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