Essay 8 | Political Science homework help

Use two tools of analysis.

Compare and contrast (two or three sections of a piece)
Compare and contrast (with outside information/experts such as academic experts, politicians, textbooks, and other professional sources)
Apply to something you know (pop culture, other text, experience, historical examples, other material)
Reinterpret (put the author’s ideas into your own words, communicate their point in a new way)
Relevance (does the author’s ideas apply to something going on today?)
Argue for (provide several examples why the author is correct)
Argue against (provide at least one example why the author is incorrect)
Proscribe (criticize the author or the piece)
Prescribe a solution to a problem the author raises, or propose a better solution than the author gives
Identify if author has a bias and explain with examples

 Then use outside informatio
Read the article by Timothy Ferris, “Conservative is not opposite Liberal, That’s Totalitarianism”. Using the book and the internet, identify a one-dimensional political spectrum.
Draw a one-dimensional political spectrum and include the following: Libertarians, Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, Tea Party/Reform Party, Progressives/Liberals, Conservatives, Fascists, Communists, and Socialists.
Next, Draw a two-dimensional political spectrum (like Ferris) and label the same parties as above on this spectrum.
Finally, explain why you put the political parties where you did on the spectra, and compare and contrast your findings (full essay).
Watch these videos on YouTube and use information and cite.
*POLITICS FOR DUMMIES: LEFT& RIGHT political parties…..

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