Effective communication: analysis of article

Effective Communication: Analysis of article: Women Should Have to Register for the Draft
1. SPECIAL SITUATION. You are a newly assigned staff officer working in the ACofS, G3 section of the 4th Infantry Division and the chief of staff (CofS) has directed the G3 to provide him a summary and critique of a recently published Military Review article. The purpose of the analysis is to help prepare him for an upcoming conference he must attend with the Commanding General. He wants to quickly familiarize himself with the subject and related issues, as well as provide the command group an assessment of the persuasiveness of the argument presented in the article.
2. REQUIREMENT: a. You must write an analytical essay of a published article (provided below). You must evaluate the overall persuasiveness of the argument made in the article and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. You must then articulate that evaluation in the form of an analytical essay.
b. Double-space your essay with one-inch margins all around (top, bottom, left, and right) in Arial font, size 12-pitch. The paper should be three-to-five (3-5) typed pages; do not exceed five pages. Indent new paragraphs five spaces.
C. Your paper should include the use of proper grammar, punctuation, and be generally free of errors. Use active voice and third person for academic writing; use complete sentences (subject, verb, complement) that communicate full thoughts. Finally, organize the sentences to construct a coherent argument leading to your paper’s conclusion.
e. Always cite the sources used to write your paper. If something is not your original thought, you must cite your source using either footnotes or endnotes IAW the Turabian style of documentation; do not use parenthetical citations. This includes direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of the assigned readings, doctrinal references, videos, or any outside sources.
ARTICLE: Title: Women Should Have to Register for the Draft Author: Ruth Ben-Ghiat Date: February 11, 2016 

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