Discussion w9 | puad7095 | Capella University

Please review attachments to see discussion instructions and information.

Discussion: Determining Success
Earlier in the course, you were asked to select a problem and determine what you would attempt to achieve through any type of policy analysis of the problem. In this discussion, provide clear insight into what would be considered success in addressing the problem you selected.
Review the following attachments to understand the topic of the paper and information for this paper for the Indiana Department Child Services: Cost Benefit Analysis Assignment Paper; Identifying the Problems Assignment; Annotated Outline; and Information from Discussion 1 and 2. 
In your initial post, respond to the following
· In terms of the problem you identified earlier, what would you consider success? Why?
· How would you assess in a meaningful, objective manner whether you have achieved success?
· What are the potential ethical implications of claiming success when a policy initiative does not achieve as much as was intended, or, in a worst-case situation, if a policy makes matters worse?
Please support your ideas with recent, scholarly sources that are properly cited and referenced in APA style.

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