Discussion #4: current event discussion 3/19

Do a summary of a news event.

The event must be related to countries in Latin America and it must be a current news event.
For example, if you do an event on the United States it will not count towards the participation grade.
However, if the news event is on US-Latin American relations, then the event does count towards this discussion. 

Format: The submission should include the: date & title of the news article, news source, and author if listed. 

Please provide the title of the news article you are referring to & link to the article.
This is so that people can read the article for themselves if they are interested in the issue. 

Content: Briefly, 1 to 2 paragraphs, describe in your own words the event, discuss why you find it interesting, how it relates to Latin American Politics and/or International Relations of Latin America.
You may submit up to 2 events at 1 pt each, for a total of 2pts, OR you can post an event for 1 point, and comment on a colleague’s event for another point. Although I do encourage “Liking,” it does not earn any points. 
You will not be able to see the discussion, until you post a news article summary.

2 events please

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