Comparative pols | Political Science homework help

There will also be a research paper (8-page, 12-point font, double spaced) required. For this paper students will select GHANA and one critical political issue in that country and conduct research throughout the semester. In your paper, you need to show evidence that you are able to critically analyze a political issue. Critical thinking is characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.
The paper will include the following parts: a) an introduction to the country in terms of major demographic and geographic features, brief history, and a description of the current political system, (b) description of an important political problem that the country is facing currently (this section will include how major political forces relate to the political problem and what events have taken place creating the problem), e) what scholarly research says about your political issue, e) implications and consequences: what the likely outcome for the political problem is given the balance of politics and resources.
Students must consult current books and scholarly articles in addition to Internet sources and include proper citations and a reference list. There are many ways to cite others’ works properly, one of such is the Chicago Manual of Style.

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