A 1 page summary 1st draft.

          Summary Assignment
Summary – 
A condensed version of an original text.
As your first formal essay, the Summary Assignment will highlight your ability to 
connect to a text by identifying and summarizing claims made by Dr. Martin Luther 
King, Jr. in his “I Have a Dream” speech. Although you will model the organization 
and structure of the speech, you will use your own terms and employ your own 
voice to articulate the speech’s claims and supporting evidence. 
Your charge is to write a brief one-page, single-spaced summary, restating the main
ideas of 
the speech.  A copy of the speech can be accessed in 
Call and Response: Key Debates in 
African American Studies
The aim of this assignment is to thoroughly comprehend a text and to translate the 
essential meaning of the text into terms accessible to others. 
In your introduction, identify the author, subject, audience, and purpose. 

Identify the main claims in the text and restate them near the start of your 

Paraphrase the supporting points, examples, and details; use a thesaurus to 
find synonyms for key words. 

Condense the original text, keeping your writing within one single-spaced 

Be “objective” rather than “critical” – try to narrow down the original, without
adding editorial comments.

Use verbs that capture the author’s argument and analysis.

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