310 wk2 db1 | Political Science homework help

Prepare: Read Chapter 3 in Environmental Policies and all required resources as listed in the Student Course Guide. Students should pay special attention to the recommended resources this week as they include important information on air pollution. 
Reflect: Many factors influence air quality. The prevalent causes and sources of air pollution vary within and between geographical regions. In the U.S., our political leadership has passed several types of legislation to regulate air quality and to decrease the number of harmful pollutants in our air, both indoors and outdoors. It is critical that we know more about the air quality in our homes, places of employment, cities, and states.
Write: In your initial post of at least 250 words, using the required resources and any additional credible resources that would enhance the strength of your argument, complete the following:

Identify the major air pollutants in your local area.
Describe one state strategy and one federal strategy that are currently being utilized to reduce these air pollutants.
Assess if these efforts have been effective.

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