Week 2 | Political Science homework help

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Before completing your post, review the Week 2: Food & Agriculture (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. interactive video, which is designed to assist you in understanding more about this week’s topic and to help you organize your initial post.In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food. However, this abundance is largely due to advances in agricultural technologies, which have in turn created numerous concerns surrounding our food sources. Provide at least two recent (since the Green Revolution ended) examples of how the United States has increased its food production, and discuss how these changes have affected both the environment and food safety.  Possible innovations you might cover include, but are not limited to: GM agriculture, polyculture farming, permaculture farming, vertical farms, small-scale organic farming, aquaponics, concentrated animal feeding operations, urban gardening (rooftop and vacant lot), not-till farming, precision farming, use of drones, and use of GPS technology.   Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Utilize at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources in APA format. Quoted text should constitute no more than ten percent of your post.

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