Poorly implemented database | Political Science homework help

Topic: We all had the unfortunate experience of seeing how computers can, at times, make life’s journey abit more difficult. This is especially true in knowledge centric workplaces. Describe an example of a very poorly implemented database that you’ve encountered (or read about) that illustrates the potential for really messing things up. Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature. As with the first discussion topic, it is not enough for you to simply create a own posting. You must read the postings of the other members of the class and comment on each of them. Please see Discussion Forum of the class syllabus for additional details on content.
The primary goal for the discussion forum assignment is to simulate the free sharing of ideas among peers that is typically experienced in graduate courses delivered in the more traditional, face-to-face environment. Evaluating a student’s performance on the assignment is not, therefore, very concrete. There are a number of factors that impact the quality of a student’s participation. The content of the contributions is, of course, one rather obvious factor, but the context in which the contributions have been made is equally important. In evaluating performance on this assignment, the following factors will be considered: Add value to the content of the discussion by posting well-written, on-topic contributions.Share resources with others by providing support for you contributions in the form of citations from the literature. Promote peer-to-peer discourse by:Initiating at least 2 quality major topics of discussion  and actively participating throughout the period of the forum with at least 3 quality engagement postings responses to follow student’s major topics of discussion thread – responding to postings of others in a timely manner (within 72 hours). Each contribution (treads and replies) is expected to be though provoking and critical (i.e. “We all had the unfortunate experience of seeing how computers can, at times, make life’s journey abit more…” and not simplistic (i.e. “Yes, I agree” or “Thanks for …”). Please see class syllabus for specific grading details. 

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