Federal courts video exercise and discussion

 -Need it by Friday at 11:30 pm in Pacific Time Zone.

Watch the video of Chief Justice John Roberts’ baseball analogy athttp://abcnews.go.com/Archives/video/john-roberts-baseball-analogy-10628259 , and review your text to answer the questions below.
After completing the questions, you will be posting your responses as your initial discussion post. This initial post is due no later than Friday at 11:59pm. Students may NOT edit initial posts once posted.  Discussion scores will be based on the original post. 
Your initial post should be a minimum of 8 lines in length and be written in sentences (rather than just listing the letter, or a short phrase).
Before Sunday 11:59pm, please respond to two other classmates’ initial posts (not follow-up posts) for Question #5, Part 2, with meaningful responses that address the substance of their post. Each of these follow-up posts should be a minimum of 4 lines in length.
1. What type of constraint on decision-making does Chief Justice Roberts discuss in the video?
a) partisanship
b) institutional capacity
c) precedent
d) institutional independence
2. In what ways is the judiciary independent?
3. What does it mean to say that we have a government of laws, not of men?
4. Do you agree with Justice Roberts’ description of the Court as a body which applies the laws rather than makes them? Why or why not?

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