Political science: a letter to my congress woman

Writing Assignment #2: Letter to a Congressmember  
In no more than 900 words, please identify a bill that is in the process of becoming a law. You can track some possibilities here (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/)  . Describe what the bill is intending to do. What are the main issues that the bill is aiming to address? What is in the content of the bill? Following a succinct summary, persuade your Congressmember (Linda Sanchez:  https://lindasanchez.house.gov/ ) to vote either for or against this bill. Provide reasoning as to why your Congressmember should listen to your opinion.  
Prior to the body of the letter, have a short paragraph introducing yourself. After the body of the letter, thank the Congressmember for their time and try to open a dialogue with them. Express interest in hearing back from them by providing appropriate contact information so that they might have an opportunity to write back to you (email will suffice, you never know—it may happen!) The letter should be in 12-point font, single-spaced, and in Times New Roman. 
Date  The Honorable _________ Office Address (United States House of Representatives/Senate)  City, State, Zip Email 
Dear Representative/Senator ________, 
Your Name Your Email 

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