Week8 | English homework help

In this week’s discussion board, you will be brainstorming ideas for your final project. Choose at least 2 questions to answer below. Then comment on each other’s ideas, asking questions, giving suggestions, providing words of encouragement, making connections, etc.

What is one problem, issue, or need in the world, or in your own community, that you care a lot about?
Why is this particular issue important to you? Is there something in your life experience or academic studies that relates?
What do you think are some of the root causes of this issue? Explain.
Based on the causes you have identified, who would be a good audience for you to try to make a change on this issue? Why?
What are three questions you have about your issue that would help you understand it better?
If you could talk to anyone to get more information and insight about your issue, who would it be? Why?
What do you think would inspire people to care about this issue? Why?
If you could get everyone to care about this issue, what would you have them do first?
What interests, talents and skills do you possess that you could bring to the table when creating an action plan addressing this issue?

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