Summary 2 | English homework help

Complete Case Study #2 on Value Stream Mapping:

Identify an issue from your own organization, home, or school to utilize the Value Stream Mapping on.
Draw the current state: Be as specific as possible and use the process map symbols.
Identify the non-value added steps/activities that need to be improved on.
Make the improvements.
Draw the future state with the same information identified on the current state in part 2
Do a gap analysis to justify the improvements (before and after), write report, 3-5 pages, single-spaced, including the current and future state maps.
Finally submit the report in Canvas under Assignments Tab/ Module 12, or email to the instructor.


Brief description in written form of the concepts that you have learned form reading the chapter.
If you wish (but not mandatory) and if applicable, you can cite examples that may illustrate some of the concepts. Examples can be from your our work, academia, experience, other organizations, etc.
There is No Need to summarize any of the formulas, graphs, tables, workflows, etc.
Summary should be concise and should fit on No More Than One Page.
Summary can entered in Canvas, posted or emailed as a document file typed in Microsoft Word,  Powerpoint, or any other media that you choose.

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