P3tw-requesting writing help to write a double spaced 2 page memo

Uninformed opinions are usually based on assumptions we’ve never really examined. Examples of popular assumptions that are largely unexamined include: 
1. “Bottled water is safer and better for us than tap water.”2. “Forest fires should always be prevented or suppressed immediately.”3. “The fewer germs in their environment, the healthier the children.”4. “The more soy we eat, the better.” 
Identify and examine any one popular assumption for accuracy.  
For example, you might tackle the bottle water assumption by visiting the FDA website <www.fda.gov> and the Sierra Club site <www.sierra.org> for starters. Also take a look at the Sierra Club’s twitter feed: <www.twitter.com/Sierra_Club>. Trace the sites and links to get the information and write up your findings in a memo. 
The memo must be 2 pages double-spaced and be sure to attach a Works Cited page as well.  

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