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Research Proposal:This assignment is the first step in your Research Paper, which we will be working on for the rest of the semester. It is important that you choose a topic that is important to you and that has a lot of potential for research. You will choose you own topic for the Research Paper. At this point, you do not need to know your thesis, but you should narrow down to an area of inquiry or your intended course of study and action. Your Proposal should be considered a formal document in which you explain what you will be studying, and what your preliminary ideas are as to that topic’s importance. I will use this document to make sure that you have a topic that is suitable for research writing and help you find the right direction for your work. This essay should be 2-3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.  

Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review :An Annotated Bibliography is a working document, meant to help you learn a great deal about your topics and identify sources that will be useful to you as you begin the research process. The bibliography consists of the complete bibliographic documentation in MLA format of ten sources, listed in alphabetical order. After each source you include a short annotation of about 5 sentences that discusses three components. Each annotation should describe what the source contains, explain how you expect to use the source in your Research Paper, and evaluate the credibility of the source. In addition, the Annotated Bibliography requires you to submit a Literature Review. In this short essay, you should put your sources “in conversation” with each other. By this I mean you should talk about how your sources relate to each other. Do they comment on each other explicitly or implicitly? What would the authors think about each other’s points? You can think of this as a short compare and contrast essay about your sources. The Literature Review should be about 2 pages, double spaced, 12 pt. TNR. 

 Research Paper :A researched essay should enter a scholarly conversation, using up-to-date sources and data, and should build on–or argue against—ideas in the field of your topic. An academic research paper should combine the work of others and use one’s own original research and ideas to make a claim. Your essay must do more than explore a topic, it must prove something; your essay must have a thesis and you must argue that it is correct. You are required to have 8 sources, half of which must be articles from the university’s online library databases or the library. The Research Paper must be cited in MLA format. This essay should be a minimum of 8 pages, not counting your works cited page. It should be double spaced, and in Times New Roman, 12 pt.

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