Discussion questions due 5/29 | English homework help

Discussion 1, answer following questions(at least 400 words in total)
1. How well do you think you know yourself–that is, your interests, abilities, values, and so on?
2. What steps can you take to get to know yourself even better?
3.Briefly outline two or three concrete action steps that you intend to take within the next few months.
4. What are the obstacles or barriers toward taking these action steps and meeting your goals?
5. What might you do to overcome these barriers? Identify two or three strategies that might work.

Discussion 2, Alberto has some career anxiety because he feels that he must make the correct decision now or it will be too late to go back. Is this obstacle real or perceived? It is certainly real for him. However, many career counselors agree that most of us will have multiple careers and jobs–and it is never too late to switch directions.Aanswer following questions(at least 400 words in total)
1. Write down the most significant career-related obstacle currently in your life.
2. How permanent is this career obstacle?(10=definitely permanent, 1=not permanent at all)
3. What did you learn from this activity? Briefly describe your response below.

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