Cholesterol screening | English homework help

This assignment must be typed. Use complete sentences and be sure to spell check. If you use reference material such as the text book or websites, all information must be cited, in APA format. Please answer in your own words, do NOT just cut and paste and do not plagerise.
Case study:
Your friend has Joni just returned from a health fair where she had her cholesterol and blood glucose screened. She is unsure of what her results mean. You need to explain what each of the results mean, if she is above or below or in the normal range for her results. You will need to explain what each of the types of cholesterol and triglycerides are. Here are her results.
Glucose: 108
Triglycerides: 175
Total Cholesterol: 210
HDL’s: 38
LDL’s: 133
Please interpret her results. What should her levels be? What does triglycerides, HDL’s, LDL, and total cholesterol mean? (use your own words here do NOT copy and paste this from a website). What are ways she can improve her results? How can she lower her risk for heart disease? What are some of the problems associated with high cholesterol? Where does cholesterol come from? What are some foods she can eat to lower her total cholesterol levels and increase her HDL levels? Are there foods she should avoid? What about exercise?
What does her glucose level mean? How can she change this?

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