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work need to be done: Lesson 3 Review: Grammar Quick-Check , Lesson 2 Review: MLA Format Quick-Check ,Study Guide for Anzaldu

English essay : must be done in 90 min
2019 Spring Term (1) English Composition ENG 101 0501[47323] (Borough of Manhattan CC)                
Module 3 – Skill Sets for Writing an Essay (02/11-02/17)  it is all way in the bottom called essay exam one
info that is needed :Discussion Board      
    Part I      
    In some the two articles “Me Talk Pretty One Day” and “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” both talks about learning a new language. Some nuances affect the author’s narrative. The nuances include social nuances. The cultural, social and p social, cultural, historical or political nuances affect their narratives. In the “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” The difference in language makes the dentist refer to Anzaldua’s tongue as heavy and tenacious. Anzaldua is frustrated, though the dentist does not point out the accent. The difference in people’s accent makes individuals be treated differently. In different situations, the author found herself in a situation he had either to speak Spanish or English. She preferred to speak her native language which was Chicano mixed with Spanish (Harker, Alexandra, 2). As a result, the linguistic terrorism affected her relationship with other students especially those who were perfect in English speaking. The history of none of her parents graduated from high school affected her since she had to make education her priority though she saw it as a challenge.      
    In “Me Talk Pretty One day” The social differences make David feel annoyed and hate the experience in another country. He is willing to speak French, but the experience with the teacher makes him feel frustrated and not willing to learn anymore. Him not being fluent in speaking French makes the teacher hates him and refers to him as the laziest student.      
    Part II      
    Twenty-eight short stories make up the Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. David Sedaris is an American comedian, author, and a comedian, he is also a radio contributor born in 1956 December 26. The book “I Talk Pretty One Day” talks about the life of Sedaris as a student. The title explains the need for Sedaris to understand and learn French and hopes to one day speak French like others.      
    In the essays by Sedaris, he tries to argue how it feels to learn a new language and how it feels to be in a foreign land. According to David Sedaris, it is not easy to acquire jobs in countries with different language even if one has gained a little exposure to it. The author uses a sad tone and a depressed one which is due to the experience he has with other students and with the French Instructor.      
    One quote in “Me Talk Pretty One Day” is “Sometimes me cry alone at night” (Sedaris, David, 4). I agree with the author and support the statement.      
    The situation the author goes through in schools makes him cry when he has a chance. The author has no option, and the only way he can let go what he is feeling is to cry. Crying is one way to make one feel relieved. David is not worried because he knows he is not alone and knows other students are experiencing the same challenge as him. The knowledge that he is not experiencing the problem alone gives him hope.      
    The author explains the experience in the school and the relationship with other students and teachers. Though other languages were not allowed except French, the teacher uses the students to test her other five languages that are conversant with. The teacher once said to the author “I hate you I really, really hate u” where later she described the author as the laziest. The author tries to bring out the idea of the experience with the instructor. The teacher admits that David is lazy and he is not the best and will not make it. To avoid such a problem in the future, they should be rules in a country on an organization which should be used to not only guide student but also the teachers. He teachers should not be considered as the head and control other organizations.      
    Work Cited      
    Harker, Alexandra. “Wild Tongues in Education: Anzaldúa, Linguistic Oppression, and Power Culture.” (2015).      
    Sedaris, David. Me talk pretty one day. Hachette UK, 2010. 

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