a narrative on a personal event that changed how i looked at the

As I Recall:
Narrative Essay on Personal Experience
Purpose: For students to explore a significant moment of change in their lives and to consider its impact on their current development or outlook; for students to explore “non-standard” essay formats and to better develop the rhetorical skills of narrative, description, and cause-and-effect.
A narrative essay is a non-fiction story and, as such, may bend, or even break, the traditional rules for how to write an essay. Although there is much more flexibility in how the essay can be structured, it still needs to include:
Action, including description and appropriate dialogue
Critical Moment
Assignment: Students should consider a moment (critical moment) in their lives from which they either changed their perspective on a relationship, the world, or their own behavior, or should have and suffered consequences for failing to do so. This moment does not have to be grandiose; it only needs to have left a personal impact. In an essay of four (4) pages, the student will recount the event or situation to an audience who can benefit from the lesson learned.
Due Dates:
First Draft and Peer Review is due November 2nd  in class, in hard copy format. Bring 4 copies.
Second Draft is due November 7th in class, in hard copy format
Grades: Neither the first nor second draft of this essay will receive a formal grade, although the second draft will receive instructor feedback. Should you choose to revise the essay and turn it in with your portfolio, it will be graded at that time. However, the steps of this assignment are still counted toward your overall points.
First draft = 2 points
Second draft = 5 points
Peer Workshop = up to 4 points
Please note that for an essay to count as a second draft, it must be substantially revised from the first draft. Turning in the same essay twice, or an essay that has only superficial changes from the one brought to workshop, does not constitute draft work, and thus cannot earn the relevant points.
Note: Because of the nature of this assignment, essays will often explore topics that are deeply personal or that have, up until the writing, been private. Please exercise judgment about what you choose to put in print.

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