Order 2046981: short essay | English homework help


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The essays from TBR present issues related to gender roles and equality and how they influence relationships between men and women. Compose a 4-5 paragraph MLA style essay with a strong thesis statement focused on the essay question in which you use critical analysis to analyze how male and female gender roles can hold you back or give you an unfair advantage. Include your interview research. Synthesize the information and provide an in-depth analysis of the issues. Use direct quotes from the results of your interviews and readings to support your position. Use the MLA template. Be sure your Works Cited page is a separate page at the end of your essay. ( My questions that I want to include in the short essay ) 1. Are men better than women or are they equal? 2. Have you ever experienced gender discrimination? 3. Has your gender been an obstacle for any of your goals?

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