Find the form and function/ english grammar 20 questions

Find BOTH the Form and Function for each underlined section below.Form refers to word categories (noun, verb, preposition, etc.), names of phrases (prepositional phrase, noun phrase, gerund phrase, etc.), and clauses. Function refers to the specific role the word or word group plays in the sentence: subject, direct object, indirect object, adverbial, etc.    My two kittens love napping.  Form:                        Function:  Napping gives them abundant energy.Form:                        Function:  Climbing is their main pastime.Form:                        Function:  What they do while I am at work is no small mystery.Form:                        Function:  Stacy is planning to read for exams all summer.Form:                        Function:  To read all summer long takes patience.Form:                        Function:  Stacy is planning to read all her materials during the summer.Form:                        Function:  Her uncle thinks that being a teacher would be intellectually stimulating.Form:                        Function:  Students occasionally visit their teachers during office hours.Form:                        Function:                         Students occasionally visit their teachers during office hours.Form:                        Function:  Students usually find office visits helpful.Form:                        Function:  Students usually find office visits helpful.Form:                        Function:  Most teachers believe student success is exciting.Form:                        Function:  Most teachers believe student success is exciting.Form:                        Function:  Beth’s cousin from Idaho ate with us last evening.Form:                        Function:  She wondered if she would see the rest of the family.Form:                        Function:  Hurrying leads to mistakes.Form:                        Function:  Hurrying causes mistakes.Form:                        Function:  Graveyards give many people the creeps.Form:                        Function:  The man explained that he had been robbed.Form:                        Function:

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