Essay: narrative essay | English homework help

Format: A minimum of 2 pages of text, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font
Background: Our experience of the world informs our perspective of it. Opinions on larger societal issues often find root in some formative personal experience. In this assignment, we will learn how narrative and description can be useful tools in an argumentative essay. For this essay, you will write about an experience you had and how that experience shaped your perspective on some greater social or political issue. 
Assignment: You will write a descriptive, well-organized narrative about a personal experience and connect this experience to an issue of larger societal importance. Your task in this essay is (1) to present your story in a compelling manner and (2) to use your experience to argue about a larger issue of local, national, or international interest. Ultimately, the essay should argue for the importance of your issue, your points, and/or solutions. You will discover that public arguments usually stem from issues of personal importance.
Expectations: Your essay will tell a personal narrative. You will then connect that personal narrative to some larger social/political issue and explain how this experience informed your perspective on that issue. Use your story as a springboard to make a convincing social/political argument. 
Advice: Remember the importance of descriptive detail. Bring the narrative to life by putting the reader in your shoes. Utilize the five senses in telling your story. Give your narrative a strong emotional impact. Remember that this is an argumentative essay. Your story should serve to make the reader emotionally invested in your social/political argument. 
Purpose: This essay will help develop your skills in using narrative and description as rhetorical strategies. You will tell a personal story with a specific purpose and use that story to strengthen your argument. 
Readings: “Black Men and Public Space”; “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” 
Audience and Style: Your audience is educated adults. Avoid slang, jargon, or overly informal writing.
Criteria for Evaluation:
-Strength of narrative
-Clear connection to social/political issue 
-Clear communication of ideas
-Organization of essay
-Adherence to conventions of written English (grammar, sentence structure, etc.)
Grading Rubric
Grading Rubric
topic, thesis/central idea, focus, purpose, audience  20 points
details, evidence, examples, logic, arguments  20 points
structure, coherence, unity, transitions  20  points
Style & Mechanics
sentence structure, word choice, tone, grammar, spelling, punctuation  20 points
presentation, sources, documentation, MLA style  20 points

Total 100 points

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