An ethical dilemma in healthcare

topic: An ethical dilemma in healthcare

Research your topic using the library database or other credible sources. Include a minimum of four (4) sources (cited correctly using APA format)
In a paper or oral presentation thoroughly address the following questions as they apply to your topic:

What are the issues or challenges?
Who is affected?
How or in what way are they affected?
Why does this matter to someone in your profession (or future profession)?
How are others addressing this issue?
Why should a leader be concerned with this?

In your paper or oral presentation, you should include specific examples or detailed information on your topic. For example, it’s not enough to say, “This matters to someone in my profession because I may be a leader one day.” You’ll need to provide specific examples of why it matters, such as “If I am to be a leader in my profession one day, I need to understand how cultural differences may affect my employees. 
For example, I need to know if there are cultural issues related to scheduling. I will need to be aware that while many of my employees may celebrate the same holidays, I may have employees whose religions or cultures celebrate holidays or events I do not know about. I should be cognizant of those holidays or events so we can work together to ensure we are staffed appropriately. This may require some negotiations; however, as a leader, I will work with my staff to determine the best way to cover my unit.”

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