Nurse administrator competencies. | Nursing homework help



For your assignment, please consider you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the nurse administrator competencies. Then write a minimum of 1000 word APA style essay, describing how this course has helped you achieve these outcomes and describe your quality improvement project that you will carry into your Capstone course. ( fall precaution on our skilled unit facility 2B). Include a minimum of ten (10) references with citations.

Courses in the Nursing Administrator specialty tract focus on achievement of these core competencies:

ASSESSMENT: The nurse administrator collects comprehensive data pertinent to the issue, situation, or trends.

IDENTIFIES ISSUES, PROBLEMS, OR TRENDS: The nurse administrator analyzes the assessment data to determine the issues, problems, or trends.

OUTCOMES IDENTIFICATION: The nurse administrator identifies expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the situation.

PLANNING: The nurse administrator develops a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcomes.

IMPLEMENTATION: The nurse administrator coordinates and implements the identified plan.

HEALTH TEACHING AND HEALTH PROMOTION: The nurse administrator employs strategies to foster health promotion, health teaching, and the provision of other educational services and resources.

CONSULTATION: The nurse administrator provides consultation to influence the identified plan, enhance the abilities of others, and effect change.

EVALUATION: The nurse administrator evaluates progress towards attainment of outcomes.

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