Theater class journal hm | English homework help

Like sets and lights, costume design not only helps to tell the story, but also gives us insight into the individual characters (without them ever having to speak).  A character’s costume may indicate gender, position, status, occupation, occasion, and/or a sense of personality (modesty, flamboyance, independence, etc.) – the “essence” of that character.
For Journal 4…

find an image or link of a play, film or television show
select one character
and discuss what the costume design tells the viewer about that character

Remember, costumes involve more than actual attire (or lack there of).  Costumes also involve hats, masks, makeup, wigs, and accessories.  Review the Powerpoint notes on Costume Design to understand the objectives and goals for costume designers.  To get a better sense of how costumes “create” a character, watch the clip from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Create your response, in the Assignment submission box below (not in the Comments field), as a journal or diary entry.  This response will not be read by your fellow classmates.  The journal should be 1-2 pages long, approximately 400-500 words minimum.  Be careful of spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation…proofread and edit your work as necessary.  Please cite your sources, including videos or links used.  

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