Nursing theory paper and zoom presentation | nursing | Miami-Dade College
Theorist assigned: Ida Jean (Orlando) Pelletier
Theory Critique Formal Paper:
This is a formal paper of the assigned theorist. The student will critically assess the assigned theorist by defining the theory, and giving a historical overview of the theorist noting the assumptions and limitations of the theory, the social climate and conditions that influenced the theory development as well as other theorists and or disciplines. The presentation should be no more than 3-4 pages of the body, to include a title page, abstract and reference pages in APA 6thedition. This assignment is graded on content and quality of thought. (Rubric provided to follow and answer questions)
Theory Critique Presentation via Zoom:
This is the presentation portion of your theorist. This is the opportunity to share your assigned theorist with your colleagues. Please follow the presentation rubric which will be used for all presentation assignments. It should be no more than 15 slides in APA 6thedition including title and reference pages. All components must be utilized for maximum credit. (Same Rubric provided)