Part i – descriptive framework paper: organizational communication | BSCOM485 Capstone In Communication | University of Phoenix

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word descriptive framework of your chosen Virtual Organization. You may research existing organizations to supplement any gaps in information, but be sure to document all sources and use consistent information throughout all subsequent weekly assignments. Describe the following:

The people
Clients or stakeholders
General public
The tasks
Products or services
Relations of products, services, and organization to the community
The organizational communication variables such as the following:
The communication settings–board room, one-on-one meetings, and hallway chats, for example
The internal and external communication systems
The structural and functional characteristics that affect the degree of communication formality
The communication channels–face-to-face, telephone, personal documents, impersonal documents, computer mediated, and so forth
Any theoretical perspectives you observe, such as groupthink tendencies

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