Ethics homework-2.4 | English homework help

this homework consists of two parts(PLEASE DON’T USE ANY EXTERNAL SOURCES ) use your own words and the attached files to help you. please mentions the word part one and part two before each part. part One: response  Cigarettes are an especially dangerous product, and their manufacture, marketing, advertising, and sale raise a number of acute questions relevant to the consumer issues discussed in this chapter. For instance, what are the responsibilities to consumers of companies that sell potentially or (in the case of cigarettes) inherently harmful products? To what extent do manufacturers abuse advertising? When is advertising deceptive? Can advertisers create or at least stimulate desires for products that consumers would not otherwise want or would not otherwise want as much? How, if at all, should advertising be restricted? **Your response should be a minimum of 100 words.  *** for part one you can only use the slides   part Two: Journal Discuss the important ethical issues in this case.  In your response examine the ethical issues in this case especially from the viewpoint of the consumer.  In your response, please identify and evaluate the systems (if any) that were put into place to regulate the product, protect consumers, and ensure corporate compliance. your response (minimum 200 words) for the case study. *** for part two you have the Two attached pictures {PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SOURCES }   

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