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  This discussion is a three-part discussion.    First, briefly describe in a paragraph how William Wordsworth describes what poetry should be in his Preface to the Lyrical Ballads (only the portion that I assigned for you to read)  Second, describe in a paragraph how Wordsworth’s poems “Ode:   Intimation of Immortality” and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” are examples of poems that Wordsworth describes in the Preface.  Third, in a paragraph describe how Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” with its supernatural elements conflicts with Wordsworth’s description of poetry.    Each response needs only to be THREE WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS, (about 250-500 words) but if you feel the need to take a topic and run with it, then feel free to do so.     I will grade your responses based on the following criteria:     I will look at the thoughtfulness of the answer.  Your posting should have a thesis and some development to prove that thesis.  If you simply answer the question without adding anything valuable to the discussion, then you’ll get a minimal grade. If you raise interesting questions or interpretations to the reading, then your grade will be higher.     NOTE: It is better to only have one or two major points for a thesis and then develop that point fully than it is to have three or four points without developing any of those points at all.    
The second criterion that I will be grading your response on is surface errors. This is, after all, an English class.  Just because this is only a short reader response does not mean that you can have a lot of spelling errors, run-on sentences, sentence fragments agreement errors, missing punctuation, or second person pronouns (you, your, you’re) in your response.  Since you had to pass both English 1101 and 1102 to take this class, I will expect you to write your paper with a mastery of collegiate-level grammar.   
I REQUIRE you to use a minimum of one direct quote (more if necessary) to help solidify your evidence.  When you use direct quotes, be sure to-    Format the quote properly in MLA FORMAT. If it’s three lines or fewer, use short quote format, complete with setting the quote off with a comma and enclosing it in quotation marks.  If the quote runs into a fourth line, then it should be a block quote.  CITE the page numbers (for prose) or line numbers (for poetry) for every single quote.  Improperly citing a source, or not citing the source at all, will cause the writer to lose points.  

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